Beiträge von vik

    Servus :zwinker2:

    @ Ralph, Captain Kirk and the other guys;

    It was very nice to meet you all again @ the Hausmesse, it was fun with very good impressions.

    I ordered the Stufe2 DBT-3313, and will do the OP-amp tuning on the AVP. I did not excpect the difference would be this big :respect:

    Finaly a player that matches the DVD-A1UD which is much faster than the A1UD and most of all cheaper.

    I am sorry that i write in English but i can´t write German, only read it a bit so excuse me for this.

    @ Wolfgang: i hope you can read this post:

    The best way to make conclusions on the Cinemike studio is to be there alone with 2 or 3 max. persons on the couch. There were a lot of people that give a change to the room acoustics/overall sound.

    People were sitting in front of the subwoofer, also in front of the Vulkan rear speakers so not the most perfect demonstration method.

    Even after all these points i could hear the improvements.

    Ciao ciao (Vik Holland) :zwinker2: