Beiträge von Espny

    Was das Timing angeht, so ist das wohl tatsächlich von Gerät zu Gerät unterschiedlich. Ich weiß nicht exakt, ob das an den verbauten FPGAs liegt oder am Mainboard etc.!

    Das finde ich auch durchaus praktisch. Wenn man ehrlich ist, hätte da schon von Anfang an dort hingehört. Ich habe diesen Build auch getestet, das neue DTM ist echt Wahnsinn! Ich weiß noch, wie oft ich mich im AVS über fehlenden Punch beschwert habe. Diese Zeiten sind endgültig vorbei. Das Einzige, was mich etwas stört ist, dass man das DTM im Menü nicht mehr Ein- bzw. Abschalten kann. Mir hat es immer gefallen, die Magie des DTM zu bestaunen.

    Aus dem AVS Forum:

    Dear All

    It’s with the greatest sadness that I have to announce that Zappiti will be over soon.

    As you already know, we are fighting since January to keep our baby alive, but unfortunately Justice has refused to hear us….

    We have done everything we could , we have worked without being paid to maintain customers happy waiting to have the Go to continue, but now the Cloud will be disconnected before the end of the year.

    What does that mean for customers?

    Zappiti Video will no longer work for the players and the NAS. Customers can always create an offline collection to keep it working even after the close down, but the new movies won’t be identified anymore.

    Zappiti Explorer will still work and people will still be able to access their movies in their NAS or the internal HDD.

    For the NAS owners, they will still be able to rip and to have access to their files. They will be able to keep their actual collection but with not further possibilities for identifying the new Movies on Zappiti video.

    What do you tell to your customers?

    That Zappiti is liquidated unfortunately, that we tried everything to continue but that we have been shut down for good

    Is it really over?

    We are working on a solution to propose to all the Zappiti users.

    The plan is to install a new App, so they can continue to enjoy their Zappiti products. There will be a small fee for that App but at least they will be proposed a solution.

    They will have to create a new account and a new collection, it’s impossible to retrieve the customer’s collection unfortunately. It will be based on a new cloud.

    Repair and services

    All players under warranty will be taken care by Let’s get Physical , the parts will be exchanged at no fees but the labor and shipping will be at customer’s expense.

    The players out of warranty will be taken care of by Let’s get physical with the usual fees.

    I will keep you all posted on the progress of the App

    I’m terribly sorry for this situation that will put us all in a difficult position, but tell your customers that we are trying our best to find a way for a fair solution.

    Warm regards"

    Aus dem AVS Forum:

    Dear All

    It’s with the greatest sadness that I have to announce that Zappiti will be over soon.

    As you already know, we are fighting since January to keep our baby alive, but unfortunately Justice has refused to hear us….

    We have done everything we could , we have worked without being paid to maintain customers happy waiting to have the Go to continue, but now the Cloud will be disconnected before the end of the year.

    What does that mean for customers?

    Zappiti Video will no longer work for the players and the NAS. Customers can always create an offline collection to keep it working even after the close down, but the new movies won’t be identified anymore.

    Zappiti Explorer will still work and people will still be able to access their movies in their NAS or the internal HDD.

    For the NAS owners, they will still be able to rip and to have access to their files. They will be able to keep their actual collection but with not further possibilities for identifying the new Movies on Zappiti video.

    What do you tell to your customers?

    That Zappiti is liquidated unfortunately, that we tried everything to continue but that we have been shut down for good

    Is it really over?

    We are working on a solution to propose to all the Zappiti users.

    The plan is to install a new App, so they can continue to enjoy their Zappiti products. There will be a small fee for that App but at least they will be proposed a solution.

    They will have to create a new account and a new collection, it’s impossible to retrieve the customer’s collection unfortunately. It will be based on a new cloud.

    Repair and services

    All players under warranty will be taken care by Let’s get Physical , the parts will be exchanged at no fees but the labor and shipping will be at customer’s expense.

    The players out of warranty will be taken care of by Let’s get physical with the usual fees.

    I will keep you all posted on the progress of the App

    I’m terribly sorry for this situation that will put us all in a difficult position, but tell your customers that we are trying our best to find a way for a fair solution.

    Warm regards"

    Blöde Frage: Ich hatte gerade einen Film mit Banding. Das kriegt der Envy doch weg, oder? Bittiefe habe ich probiert, hat aber nicht geklappt. Weiß jemand Rat? :sbier:

    Was für ein Projektor?

    Bei der ersten Sichtung konnte ich keine Unterschiede beim Dpad ausmachen. Auch die DTM On / Off Option fehlt mir.

    Edit: Fehler in der FW: Dpad verändert sich momentan erst ab der nächsten Szene. Update is in Arbeit!

    Ich bin inzwischen auch bei hochauflösend 1, Schärfe +5, H3V3. Bei UHD Content auch mal H4/V4. Hochauflösend 2 ist definitiv "verschwommen" vom Seheindruck.

    madshi verwaltet in der Software Tabellen über die verbauten GPUs und deren Leistungsfähigkeit in den versch. Bereichen. Darüber wird die Auslastung gesteuert. Es soll ja in jedem Falle vermieden werden, dass es zu dropped Frames kommt.

    In welchem Verhältnis steht ihr eigentlich zu MadVR / Madshi? Ihr seid ja sogar im AVS Forum mittlerweile so etwas wie das Sprachrohr des Unternehmens. Seid ihr der europäische Vertrieb, oder wie verhält sich das genau? Danke für eine kurze Aufklärung.

    Und ich tue mir auch ein bisschen schwer mit den Preisen für Gebrauchtgeräte hier in Europa, die dann nicht upgrade-fähig sind.

    In den USA liegt ein Extreme mit 2080 GPU bei 7.995 $, das finde ich gerade noch akzeptabel.

    Ich finde es einfach unglücklich gewählt und schade, dass einige Geräte in Zukunft keine Upgrades / Updates (wie auch immer das nun bezeichnen soll) erhalten werden.

    Tut mir leid falls Du Dich dadurch angegriffen fühlst, das war nicht meine Absicht.

    Ich habe aber schon den Eindruck, dass hier von einigen die Fakten auch ein wenig verdreht werden.

    Entschuldigung angenommen. :sbier: